Yong Li 李泳

Yong Li 李泳

How to Add Utterances Comments Widget to Your Hugo Blog

Read time: 1 minutes

Web Development Blogging GitHub Pages Hugo Tutorials

In this blog post, we’ll walk through the steps to add the Utterances comments widget to your Hugo-based GitHub Pages site. Utterances is a lightweight, open-source commenting system that uses GitHub issues to store comments.


Before we begin, make sure you have:

  1. A Hugo-based GitHub Pages site.
  2. Installed the Utterances app on your GitHub repository.

Step 1: Configure Utterances

Visit the Utterances website and configure the widget settings. Copy the generated script, which should look something like this:

<script src="https://utteranc.es/client.js"

Replace your_username and your_repo with your GitHub username and repository name, respectively.

Step 2: Create an Override for the Partial Template

To avoid modifying the theme directly, create an override for the default.html partial template in your main site directory:

  1. Copy the default.html file from themes/[YOUR_THEME]/layouts/partials/single/ to your main site’s layouts/partials/single/ directory, creating the necessary folders if they don’t already exist.

  2. Open the copied default.html file in your main site’s layouts/partials/single/ directory with a text editor.

Step 3: Add the Utterances Script

Find an appropriate location within the default.html file to add the Utterances script, usually right after the main content area or post metadata (e.g., tags and categories). Paste the Utterances script at that location:

<!-- Add the Utterances script below this line -->
<script src="https://utteranc.es/client.js"

Step 4: Test the Integration

Run your site locally using hugo server and visit an individual blog post to ensure the Utterances comments widget appears as expected.

Step 5: Commit and Push Changes

Once the Utterances widget is working correctly on your local setup, commit and push the changes to your GitHub repository:

git add layouts/partials/single/default.html
git commit -m "Add Utterances comments widget to blog posts"
git push

Wait for the GitHub Actions to build and deploy your site. Visit your GitHub Pages site and navigate to an individual blog post to verify that the Utterances comments widget is functioning as expected.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully added the Utterances comments widget to your Hugo-based GitHub Pages site. Your readers can now leave comments on your blog posts using their GitHub accounts.