Yong Li 李泳

Yong Li 李泳

Buddhism Reading List 佛教阅读书单

Read time: 7 minutes



  1. 正见:佛陀的证悟 (宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切)

    • 如果希望读一本中文的通俗读物的话,可以尝试这一本。是我多年之前初识佛教时所读,内容让我耳目一新,使我第一次认识到一个正信的佛教之面貌。也是第一次从这本书里我了解了四法印。直到今日我也认为非常重要:整个佛法的般若解脱智慧,不出四法印。
  2. The Foundations of Buddhism (Rupert Gethin)

    • 以学派视角完整介绍佛教全貌,涵盖历史演变与核心教义,是许多大学的佛教研究专业都会指定的读物。
  3. Dhammapada 法句经

    • 法句经是非常重要的一本巴利经藏的选集,形成时间非常早,在巴利经藏本身的小部中有收录。该书不厚,大概 200 多页,浓缩了佛陀的全部核心教导,而且文风诗意,近乎文学。英国现在的内政部长 Suella Braverman,是佛教徒,也是 Triratna 三宝教团的一员,在其就职的时候选用的就是以法句经来宣誓。法句经有几个不同的译本,我自己目前只看过 Eknath Easwaran 的版本。
  4. In the Buddha’s Words (Bhikkhu Bodhi)

    • 尊者菩提比丘是学识渊博的巴利翻译之巨擎,我对巴利正藏的学习基本全部是依据菩提比丘的英文译著。这本书是他从巴利正藏中选取的重要经篇,朴实易读,并不晦涩。如果想接触巴利正藏,对佛陀之原始教导有一个直观感受的话,推荐可以从这本入手。之前 Google 佛教文化社团也组织过针对这本书的读书群,反响不错。
  5. The Noble Eightfold Path (Bhikkhu Bodhi)

    • 这本也是尊者菩提比丘写的专门讲解八正道之作。八正道是修行的完整框架与路线图,如果在了解完原始佛教的大致教义之后,想对原始佛教的修行体系也有个全面的了解的话,可读此书。
  6. The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya (Bhikkhu Bodhi)

    • 如若诚心发愿,严肃求道的话,可以通读尊者菩提比丘所译的相应尼柯耶。该译本共 2082 页,根据计数法不同,内含经文数大概在 2900-7000 篇左右。相应尼柯耶是成文时间在根本分裂之前,最早也最接近佛陀原始教导的经部。如有意通读,可与我联系。阅读该书有一定的顺序次第,愿细谈。

除了第一本,这几本书在 Amazon UK 上全都有售,且都有 kindle 版。便宜的几镑,最贵的相应尼柯耶,实体书也仅 50 镑左右。第一本的话,可以网上找,或从国内买。


I have attempted to compile a reading list for friends who are interested in delving deeper into Buddhism, to provide a clear path to follow.

  1. Right View: The Enlightenment of Buddha (by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche)

    • If you wish to read a popular work in Chinese, you can try this one. It was the book that introduced me to Buddhism years ago, offering a refreshing perspective and presenting me for the first time with a correct understanding of Buddhism. It was also from this book that I learned about the Four Dhamma Seals. To this day, I still believe it is extremely important: the wisdom of liberation in Buddhism, the Prajñā, is not beyond the Four Dharma Seals.
  2. The Foundations of Buddhism (Rupert Gethin)

    • This book presents a scholar view of Buddhism, covering historical evolution and core teachings, and is a designated reading in many university Buddhist studies programs.
  3. The Dhammapada

    • The Dhammapada is an essential anthology from the Pali Canon, formed very early on, and is itself included in the Khuddaka Nikāya of the Pali Canon. This slim volume, of roughly 200 pages, distills the entirety of the Buddha’s core teachings and does so with poetic grace, bordering on literature. The current Home Secretary of the UK, Suella Braverman, who is a Buddhist and a member of the Triratna Buddhist Community, used the Dhammapada for taking her oath at her inauguration. There are several different translations of the Dhammapada; I have only read the version by Eknath Easwaran myself.
  4. In the Buddha’s Words (Bhikkhu Bodhi)

    • Bhikkhu Bodhi is a greatly achieved Buddhist monk and scholar in the field of Pali translations, and my study of the Pali Canon is almost entirely based on his English translations. This book is a selection of important texts from the Pali Canon, which are straightforward and easy to read. If you wish to have a direct experience of the original teachings of the Buddha as found in the Pali Canon, this book comes highly recommended. The buddhist cultural group at Google also organized a reading ground around this text, which was well received.
  5. The Noble Eightfold Path (Bhikkhu Bodhi)

    • This book is also written by Bhikkhu Bodhi and specifically explains the Noble Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is the complete framework and roadmap for practice, and after gaining a general understanding of the original teachings of Buddhism, if you wish to have a comprehensive understanding of the original Buddhist practice system, this book is advisable to read.
  6. The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya (Bhikkhu Bodhi)

    • If one is very serious about learning Buddha’s teachings, one can read through Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translation of the Samyutta Nikaya. This translated volume has 2082 pages and contains approximately 2900-7000 discourses, depending on the method of counting. The Samyutta Nikaya is believed to have been written before the essential schism and is the earliest and closest to the original teachings of the Buddha. If you are interested in reading it through, please let me know. There is a specific order to be followed in reading this book, and I would like to discuss this in detail.